Sunday, 30 September 2012

North East Open Studios (3)

"Hug", digital image created on ipad ©Fenfolio2012

What a fabulous, inspiring, exciting and also exhausting NEOS week it was!!! Thank you to everyone who has visited my stand, shared their overwhelming feedback on my work, bought my artwork, participated in my mixed media workshops and came along to the demo. Thank you also to my co-exhibitors and their partners for a great cooperation, the Waldorf School for hosting our exhibition and last but not last my husband Jaap for supporting me during this very hectic time! Without all of you it wouldn't have been so successful.

Here's an impression of how it looked:

In a few days we turned a gym....

...into a real art gallery with a cafe and worrkshop area!

This is my stand

On Sunday we had the air filled with some Jazz music

Clockwise from top left: Carol Meldrum's crochet workshop, participant using collage
in my mixed media workshop, art created by children, mixed media piece in progress by one
of the participants of my workshops.

Participants at work in my mixed media workshop

Child painting on my ipad with one of my photographs as reference